Bezoekadres: Smart Business Center | Daalwijkdreef 47 Amsterdam Zuid Oost |

Opinion: Sales Director GG Magazine Habib Ferogh about the future of media

Habib, how did you end up in media?

Actually that was a coincidence. After finalizing my Knowledge Management studies I found a job in a publishing house to implement KM in that company. The phone was ringing after 6 pm in the office and I took the call. I realized that the person calling was interested in having ads in the magazine and so I recommended a perfect media and ad solution. That was my first deal and the CEO asked me to join the sales team. The rest is history

How do you see the future of media?

In terms of media advertising we will see a more personalized way to approach the customers. In online this is actually possible as long as the media owner is able to provide concrete data of the user.

Linear TV has currently a good standing after some years of deficit. However, the there will be a strong shift to VOD. And it is a matter of time that VOD platforms will also have ads as pre rolls for example. Not to mention the hidden ads within the films and shows. I think the direction is set and we will soon see that linear TV is an obsolescent model.

This brings me to print. Newspapers are still working. At the same time client magazines offer more personalized content. You read content which is appealing and interesting to you, because you are part of the "family". Surveys found out that you trust the company of which you purchased goods. And so the ads are very much accepted by the consumers.

For which food people can wake you up in the middle of the night?

I love indian cuisine and I would always wake up for vegetarian Thalis.